John Waugh, Photographic Images based in Boulder, CO and provides full service photographic imaging for the action, sports, motorsports, commercial, architectural, special events and editorial client.
John Waugh, no stranger to the back of a camera built his first darkroom some 60 years ago, and has been making photographs on location or in the studio ever since.
Working in the motorsports photography and outdoor lifestyle photography industry for many years, John honed his compositional eye to present rich, crisp, concise photographs that enthusiastically portrayed the subject and the situation.
Changing times brought on by the social media demands of the internet, cell phone cameras and video imagery led to his retiring from the prestigious Colorado Grand automobile rally in 2022 after sixteen years leaving John with some time to fill. Returning to his pursuit of fly tying. Having tied flies since the age of ten to fish with, he became enchanted by Classic Salmon Flies of the British Isles adorning the walls of fine fly fishing emporiums in the early 1960’s. During the lockdown he set out to master the victorian craft for himself. The Classic Salmon flies show here are the result of that four year journey. Photographed in high resolution, prints are available as illustrated in various sizes. Custom framed Salmon flies in shadowboxes can be ordered upon request.